
My name is Carl Melton.

I’ve managed change for a long time, in the Corporate world,  delivering change to process, product, service and the organisation itself.

This has inevitably included a degree of technology change.

I know how and when to:

  • describe business processes in ways that people can understand and can follow.
  • change business processes to make them more effective
  •  throw away failing processes and start again

I have lots of experience training and mentoring people to become more effective, and have managed change that has delivered:

  • new products and services
  • new and improved business processes
  • changes to business organisations (roles and responsibilities)

I’ believe that the skills, techniques and processes that I can teach will be in demand in the big wide world, and I have, therefore, decided to try to help the most people I can.

I have created this website for a number of reasons:

  1. I want to use what I have learned over the years to help make sense of the masses of information out there.
    Some of this information seems to be contradictory. Some is incomplete. Some is difficult to understand.
    My mission is to simplify, and in doing so, to help guide you through the process of setting up and operating your own real, successful and sustainable online business.
  2. I believe that the single biggest reason why people do not realise their dreams is that they don’t have the right mind-set.
    I will, therefore, provide coaching and techniques that will help prepare you to meet the inevitable challenges involved in fulfilling your potential.
  3. I will put what I have learned, and what I teach into practice.
    This will do 2 things.
    Firstly it will prove to you the value of my words and pictures, and secondly, I will become more successful myself.

I hope you will find the information I provide of help, and that you will join me on my journey.

Kind regards

Carl Melton



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